Welcome to the TechHuman podcast

hosting a conversation on how we live well in a technology-dominated world


Episode 1

Published on:

1st Jun, 2021


Published on:

19th May, 2021

Show artwork for TechHuman

About the Podcast

Technology Humanity and Faith
Technology is reaching ever further into our lives, our homes, our relationships, our travels and our workplaces. In this podcast. We want to explore what the technology revolution means, how we see it enhancing, changing, threatening or damaging the world we live in. We discuss how we might seize the opportunities, minimise any threats and overcome the harms that have emerged.

Whether we love technology or are suspicious of it; it is increasingly hard to avoid. In this podcast, I will talk with some of my friends who particular experience or insight into important aspects of these changes. We want to understand what is happening and uncover some practical insights the most significant challenges and opportunities that emerge. Two intertwined themes will be at the heart of our conversations – what does it mean to be fully human and how can we live well in an increasingly ‘digital’ world.

This podcast is for anyone who is interested in understanding the impact of technology on human life and on society. It is aimed at adults and older teens who want better to understand the issues that surround technology innovation. We begin from the orthodox Christian perspective that humankind is created uniquely in the image of God – and that our humanity was designed for embodied relationships. Our conversations should be relevant to those of any faith or of none who are interested in better appreciation of the impact of technology on our lives today and in the future.

Professor John Wyatt, my co-founder at TechHuman.org will join me for many episodes …..

About your host

Profile picture for Jonathan Ebsworth

Jonathan Ebsworth