Ethical Algorithms - an introduction
Algorithms touch almost every part of our lives - but what are they? Do we really need to care what they are or how they work?
In this episode John Wyatt and I introduce provide some simple answers to these questions, and then explore by way of a case study, the Public Examination fiasco of 2020 in England. In doing this we raise a number of questions about the use of algorithms, and suggest some possible ways that we could protect people better from the unintended consequences of getting things wrong.
(this episode was originally recorded at the end of 2020)
Hello, and welcome to the TechHuman
Jonathan Ebsworth:Podcast. I am Jonathan Ebsworth, one of the founders of the
Jonathan website. In this podcast, I'll be talking with
Jonathan Ebsworth:guests about the impact of different aspects of technology
Jonathan Ebsworth:on human life. Today, we're beginning the first in an
Jonathan Ebsworth:occasional series, exploring aspects of algorithms. What are
Jonathan Ebsworth:they? How are they being used? And why do they matter. And
Jonathan Ebsworth:we'll hear more about these themes in coming months. My
Jonathan Ebsworth:friend and, co-founder, Professor John
Jonathan Ebsworth:Wyatt, is joining me to see if we can begin to shed some light
Jonathan Ebsworth:on what these seemingly obscure algorithms are, and consider how
Jonathan Ebsworth:we should respond to their growing use in our daily lives.
Jonathan Ebsworth:John, hello,
John Wyatt:hi, Jonathan. It's good to be here.
Jonathan Ebsworth:It's great to talk to be better in person, but
Jonathan Ebsworth:wonders of technology have enabled us to do this almost as
Jonathan Ebsworth:well, remotely.
John Wyatt:I think that podcasts are one of those routes
John Wyatt:of being able to keep a conversation and reach out to
John Wyatt:other people.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yes, I'm amazed actually how well
Jonathan Ebsworth:technology has served us through this protracted period of
Jonathan Ebsworth:upheaval. John, perhaps you'd introduce yourself and explain
Jonathan Ebsworth:how we began to talk together and why we're having this
Jonathan Ebsworth:conversation.
John Wyatt:Sure. My background is as a medic. I spent many
John Wyatt:years working as a paediatrician, a specialist in
John Wyatt:the care of newborn babies at a big intensive care unit in
John Wyatt:central London at UCL. And it was really through my work
John Wyatt:there, I became increasingly interested in medical ethics,
John Wyatt:but also in the way that technology changes our
John Wyatt:understanding of the world, and and in particular, how it
John Wyatt:changes our understanding of what it means to be human. And
John Wyatt:I've always been interested in computers and artificial
John Wyatt:intelligence, and so on, and then seeing this whole explosion
John Wyatt:of technology in in computer based technology hasn't made me
John Wyatt:think that this is the next big issue, which is which we as a
John Wyatt:human race are going to face. And so for the last three or
John Wyatt:four years, I've really been focusing on artificial
John Wyatt:intelligence and the questions and challenges that it's
John Wyatt:raising. So what about you, what's your background?
Jonathan Ebsworth:So I came from almost the opposite end of
Jonathan Ebsworth:that spectrum, I am a technologist, I've spent my
Jonathan Ebsworth:whole working life building systems mostly for business. And
Jonathan Ebsworth:in the last few years, I too, have been wrestling with the
Jonathan Ebsworth:impact of the technology that I'm putting together on really
Jonathan Ebsworth:all of human life. And as we enter a period, which the World
Jonathan Ebsworth:Economic Forum has labelled the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
Jonathan Ebsworth:the digital revolution, which is powered to a large degree by
Jonathan Ebsworth:artificial intelligence, I can see the whole of life being
Jonathan Ebsworth:transformed. And as a technologist, I want to take
Jonathan Ebsworth:some responsibility for the impact of stuff that I and my
Jonathan Ebsworth:profession get up to. And it was really in a meeting that you and
Jonathan Ebsworth:I had a chance meeting we had talking to some teachers about
Jonathan Ebsworth:the impact of technology we met, and really found that we had a
Jonathan Ebsworth:shared interest in particularly understanding how all of this
Jonathan Ebsworth:would change human life and how our faith and orthodox
Jonathan Ebsworth:Christianity might help us get some some insight into the world
Jonathan Ebsworth:of technology and how we as human beings, as creative
Jonathan Ebsworth:beings, could live better than perhaps we are just being swept
Jonathan Ebsworth:along by by this tidal wave.
John Wyatt:Yes. And so we struck up a friendship and and
John Wyatt:that led to creating a new website called,
John Wyatt:which is still very much work in progress. But we see this as an
John Wyatt:opportunity for we've called it 'hosting the conversation about
John Wyatt:technology, and particularly artificial intelligence'. We're
John Wyatt:not starting with a very strong predetermined view either being
John Wyatt:very much in favour or very much against, but we do see the
John Wyatt:importance of these issues and the need to have a place where
John Wyatt:different perspectives different opinions can be offered,
John Wyatt:particularly in the context of the Christian faith.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yes, I certainly found connecting my
Jonathan Ebsworth:faith to my work very difficult. And our conversations actually
Jonathan Ebsworth:have been very helpful to me, in helping me recognise that that
Jonathan Ebsworth:technology isn't just a neutral thing, and it just depends
Jonathan Ebsworth:whether you use it for good or bad whether it is or isn't a
Jonathan Ebsworth:good thing. But actually it comes with a load of baggage
Jonathan Ebsworth:that has direct consequences and actually understanding some of
Jonathan Ebsworth:that baggage is very important in terms of making sense of
Jonathan Ebsworth:things.
John Wyatt:Yes,an an analogy I quite often like to use is is
John Wyatt:the saying that if you want to understand what water is then
John Wyatt:ask a fish And, you know, that's the problem is that we're so
John Wyatt:immersed in technology, it's so pervasive, that it's almost
John Wyatt:invisible to us, we don't see the way that it's changing and,
John Wyatt:and even distorting our understanding of the world, and
John Wyatt:our understanding of ourselves. So I think this is quite a
John Wyatt:challenge. You know, it's not an easy topic I find, trying to get
John Wyatt:my head around some of these issues very, very challenging
John Wyatt:and complex. But I'm utterly convinced it's really important
John Wyatt:for this, this time in world history, this time, in our own
John Wyatt:futures.
Jonathan Ebsworth:I think there's a tendency, because it's
Jonathan Ebsworth:complicated that we go and ask the fish, the technologists, to
Jonathan Ebsworth:explain it all, and to explain the consequences. And whilst we
Jonathan Ebsworth:may understand how it interacts, and how it fits, the pieces fit
Jonathan Ebsworth:together, as technologists wouldn't ill equipped to comment
Jonathan Ebsworth:on how it impacts human life. Which is why we need people like
Jonathan Ebsworth:you, John, I think,
John Wyatt:Well, I think we need everybody don't we be in is
John Wyatt:in a similar vein, I've often said about medical ethics and
John Wyatt:matters of life and death, these things are far too important to
John Wyatt:leave to the medics. And I think artificial intelligence is too
John Wyatt:important to leave to the technologists, and everybody has
John Wyatt:a perspective, everybody's coming from somewhere. But we
John Wyatt:need a place where where we can debate some of these issues. And
John Wyatt:I think particularly the challenge for Christians, of
John Wyatt:course, it is that is that many of the issues we're facing are
John Wyatt:genuinely new, you know, we haven't had to face some of
John Wyatt:these issues at all, the Christian history going back
John Wyatt:2000 years, has faced many challenges. But the challenges
John Wyatt:being raised by artificial intelligence, to some extent,
John Wyatt:are completely new. And therefore, I think all of us who
John Wyatt:are Christians are, in some sense, scrambling around trying
John Wyatt:to find a way to, to develop a Christian response.
Jonathan Ebsworth:I think in order to have a helpful
Jonathan Ebsworth:conversation, the first thing we need to do is is to get
Jonathan Ebsworth:ourselves to the same sort of place where we have a shared
Jonathan Ebsworth:understanding of what it is we're talking about. And that's
Jonathan Ebsworth:part of what this podcast series is going to try to do is, is to,
Jonathan Ebsworth:perhaps help us all to get to a good starting point so we can
Jonathan Ebsworth:have a meaningful conversation about how this fits into our
Jonathan Ebsworth:lives.
John Wyatt:Yeah, so today, we're going to talk about
John Wyatt:algorithms. And I think it's a word which, which trips off the
John Wyatt:tongue, we hear it all the time. And yeah, I suspect that many of
John Wyatt:us are a bit hazy about actually what an algorithm really is. So
John Wyatt:So let me ask you, what's your definition? Or how would you
John Wyatt:explain it to someone what what is an algorithm?
Jonathan Ebsworth:So at its most basic, an algorithm is an
Jonathan Ebsworth:algebraic expression. So x plus 2 equals y is is an algorithm.
John Wyatt:I'm afraid so many people gave-up algebra that
John Wyatt:teens, you now have x plus y. Ah, that sounds terrible. So why
John Wyatt:should I be interested in algebra,
Jonathan Ebsworth:The the world of digital technology is
Jonathan Ebsworth:reaching further and further into our lives. And almost all
Jonathan Ebsworth:computer logic is driven by these sorts of expressions, they
Jonathan Ebsworth:may be explicit, or they may be implicit, but they're being
Jonathan Ebsworth:applied more and more to our lives. And this is why it
Jonathan Ebsworth:matters. So I think most of us even even people your and my
Jonathan Ebsworth:age, John, are familiar with the use of algorithms to credit
Jonathan Ebsworth:score to decide whether we can get a mortgage or not. But
Jonathan Ebsworth:actually, I'm not so sure that the people are aware that the
Jonathan Ebsworth:products Amazon recommend to you are calculated by algorithms,
Jonathan Ebsworth:what appears in your newsfeed on Facebook is calculated by
Jonathan Ebsworth:algorithms. What Netflix offers you as things that you might be
Jonathan Ebsworth:interested in? Is all driven by algorithms. Almost everywhere we
Jonathan Ebsworth:look we find algorithms.
John Wyatt:A part of the problem, isn't it that although
John Wyatt:conceptually, the idea of a simple formula seems not that
John Wyatt:difficult, these algorithms can end up being extraordinarily
John Wyatt:complex, involving 1000s and 1000s of lines of computer code.
John Wyatt:And so much so that even the people who write them are not at
John Wyatt:all clear how they work. I've heard it said that the the
John Wyatt:Google search engine, which is a very sophisticated algorithm, is
John Wyatt:so fiendishly complex that even the Google engineers themselves
John Wyatt:don't really understand how it's working.
Jonathan Ebsworth:You talked about artificial intelligence.
Jonathan Ebsworth:As we get into some of the most sophisticated forms of
Jonathan Ebsworth:artificial intelligence, we truly do not understand how some
Jonathan Ebsworth:of that works, works out how it's making these decisions. It
Jonathan Ebsworth:just does. And so it is fiendishly complicated, and what
Jonathan Ebsworth:we need to do is is perhaps step back into some slightly simpler
Jonathan Ebsworth:space to try and make sense of what algorithms are, and then
Jonathan Ebsworth:use that to build a more considered discussion of some of
Jonathan Ebsworth:the more sensitive applications of algorithms.
John Wyatt:So we thought we'd start off by looking at the use
John Wyatt:of algorithms in education, and in particular, look at what was
John Wyatt:described as a great fiasco or debacle, which happened earlier
John Wyatt:this year in the UK. And in August.
Jonathan Ebsworth:If I look at the public exams, in actually
Jonathan Ebsworth:pretty much the whole of Great Britain, as separate systems in
Jonathan Ebsworth:Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, England. We were locked
Jonathan Ebsworth:down in March, nationally, it was clear that the public exams
Jonathan Ebsworth:could not be sat in the normal way. And so very quickly, those
Jonathan Ebsworth:public examinations were cancelled. And so a means had to
Jonathan Ebsworth:be found to award grades to the candidates in the case of a
Jonathan Ebsworth:levels. And let's focus on a levels because it's a it's a
Jonathan Ebsworth:kind of finite thing we can get our arms around, there are just
Jonathan Ebsworth:over 700,000 entries for a levels. And therefore 700,000
Jonathan Ebsworth:results had to be found that were reasonable that they
Jonathan Ebsworth:maintained the value of exams, so we couldn't have massive
Jonathan Ebsworth:grade inflation, that they could be transparent. People could
Jonathan Ebsworth:understand how they'd got the the grade that they were being
Jonathan Ebsworth:given that they were fair, that they're reflected as well, they
Jonathan Ebsworth:could the ability of the students, and then the answers
Jonathan Ebsworth:were reached legally in terms of handling personal data.
John Wyatt:So just to explain to to people who are not from
John Wyatt:the UK that Why is the a level so important, it's because it's
John Wyatt:the final grade of your high school career, isn't it and it
John Wyatt:determines, in particular, your ability to get into university
John Wyatt:or colleges of further education, it becomes an
John Wyatt:extremely important measure of how you how you've done and what
John Wyatt:your potential is for the future.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yes, and particularly for the most
Jonathan Ebsworth:competitive courses like medicine, and veterinary
Jonathan Ebsworth:science. Failure to get the grades that you anticipate it
Jonathan Ebsworth:simply means that door is shot. So it has life potentially
Jonathan Ebsworth:lifelong consequences for for young people.
John Wyatt:And stepping aside a minute, why are you interested
John Wyatt:in this? I mean, you're a technologist, you know, why have
John Wyatt:you got interested in education?
Jonathan Ebsworth:I was interested in this because for
Jonathan Ebsworth:me, it felt like a wonderful case study of the power of
Jonathan Ebsworth:algorithms applied to human life, but one that was at a
Jonathan Ebsworth:manageable scale. So it's one thing to talk about a number of
Jonathan Ebsworth:billion Facebook users and what's happening with them, but
Jonathan Ebsworth:it's a bit easier for me at least to get my head around
Jonathan Ebsworth:what's happening to 720,000 a level candidate entries, I
Jonathan Ebsworth:should say, and what happened to the process to get them to
Jonathan Ebsworth:grades.
John Wyatt:Okay, so it's a case study where computer algorithms
John Wyatt:were used to to overcome a problem that the actual exams
John Wyatt:could not be done. So the answer is, let's use the clever
John Wyatt:computers. And they'll come up with a simulated estimated grade
John Wyatt:for each pupil.
Jonathan Ebsworth:That that was the idea. And it's quite
Jonathan Ebsworth:reasonably started with with the question, so what data do we
Jonathan Ebsworth:have and the in England it was Ofqual, the the examination
Jonathan Ebsworth:qualification standards body that drove this process and
Jonathan Ebsworth:similar process were followed in the other parts United Kingdom.
Jonathan Ebsworth:And the data they had was any mock exams that a student had
Jonathan Ebsworth:already completed, which typically would have been done
Jonathan Ebsworth:before we hit lockdown, perhaps the historic performance of that
Jonathan Ebsworth:student in earlier exams and the performance of the academic
Jonathan Ebsworth:institution they attended. The one other piece of data that I
Jonathan Ebsworth:think Ofqual hoped was going to help them a lot was the grades
Jonathan Ebsworth:that their teachers thought they were going to get. This became
Jonathan Ebsworth:known as the centre assessed grades at each academic
Jonathan Ebsworth:institution moderator moderated those those scores, and
Jonathan Ebsworth:submitted them as we think our cohort of pupils are going to
Jonathan Ebsworth:get this distribution of grades. And the idea I think the hope
Jonathan Ebsworth:was that they could use rely very heavily on their central
Jonathan Ebsworth:test grades. Unfortunately, it was a problem.
John Wyatt:So just just to clarify, were they individual
John Wyatt:grades that every teacher was asked Joe Bloggs, how's they
John Wyatt:going to do in mass, how they're going to do in English and so
John Wyatt:on. And then they summed up all the teachers in a particular
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yeah, that say they had 25 people sitting
Jonathan Ebsworth:school.
Jonathan Ebsworth:out A-Level maths. There will be 25 anticipated grades for that
Jonathan Ebsworth:school submitted to off call saying these are the grades we
Jonathan Ebsworth:think Joe, Mary, Sanjay are going to get. And this was
Jonathan Ebsworth:submitted as an input into the process along with the other
Jonathan Ebsworth:data that I've described,
John Wyatt:okay, but they could then look at all the grades from
John Wyatt:one particular school and compare those with all the
John Wyatt:grades from another particular school, for instance,
Jonathan Ebsworth:indeed, and when they added up all of those
Jonathan Ebsworth:central assessed grades, they found they've got a big problem.
Jonathan Ebsworth:And the big problem was, in the previous year, they a star and a
Jonathan Ebsworth:grades were about 25% of the total entries. When they looked
Jonathan Ebsworth:at the central SAS grades at a national level, it was 37.7%.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Were A* or A grades. So 50% more A* and As were being suggested,
Jonathan Ebsworth:we re going to come out of an exam cohort that's completely
Jonathan Ebsworth:unacceptable from the qualification standards, bodies
Jonathan Ebsworth:point of view.
John Wyatt:So the teachers were being much more optimistic than
John Wyatt:compared to the actual grades that had previously been
John Wyatt:obtained. And and have we Any idea why they were being so much
John Wyatt:more optimistic?
Jonathan Ebsworth:I think it's, it is conjecture. But I suspect,
Jonathan Ebsworth:probably to two things that are at play here. One is human
Jonathan Ebsworth:optimism - a belief in the best for your students. And perhaps
Jonathan Ebsworth:anticipating that there was going to be some downward
Jonathan Ebsworth:moderation, so we better get things up so that there's some
Jonathan Ebsworth:room to push grades down. But a 50% increase year on year in a
Jonathan Ebsworth:star a grades is beyond any statistical probability. You
Jonathan Ebsworth:wouldn't ever have a genius candidate cohorts coming through
Jonathan Ebsworth:at that level, when you've got an entry number of over 700,000.
Jonathan Ebsworth:It's just not not possible, not plausible.
John Wyatt:So they realised that there was a problem that
John Wyatt:they couldn't just take the teacher grades at face value,
John Wyatt:because you'd have far too many candidates then getting the
John Wyatt:highest levels of eight levels. And that would swamp the
John Wyatt:universities.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Correct? I think, in political circles,
Jonathan Ebsworth:that there's a huge worry about devaluing the currency of the
Jonathan Ebsworth:these most the highest level of examinations, that pupils in
Jonathan Ebsworth:England study.
John Wyatt:Yeah, so so because the a level grade is is used as
John Wyatt:as an objective marker of people's academic ability. If
John Wyatt:the whole value of an A or an A star grader is being devalued,
John Wyatt:it becomes just much less useful and much less reliable.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yes, and to give Ofqual some credit, what
Jonathan Ebsworth:they didn't do is go and shut themselves in a darkened room
Jonathan Ebsworth:and pop out and say, here's the answer and award the grades,
Jonathan Ebsworth:they did go through a fairly extensive consultation. They had
Jonathan Ebsworth:about 100 days, from the point at which the country was locked
Jonathan Ebsworth:down, the exams were cancelled to having to issue the the a
Jonathan Ebsworth:level results in early mid August. And in I think it was
Jonathan Ebsworth:May, they had four week consultation where they said,
Jonathan Ebsworth:this is what we're proposing to do. What do you think, and they
Jonathan Ebsworth:got a lot of responses and much of the feedback they took on
Jonathan Ebsworth:board. Not all of it, but much of it.
John Wyatt:And and yet, despite all that, when the results were
John Wyatt:actually announced, there was a terrible outcry. So why was
John Wyatt:that?
Jonathan Ebsworth:The terrible outcry was based on on the
Jonathan Ebsworth:standard cry of "It's not fair!". Now we knew this was
Jonathan Ebsworth:going to happen. And the reason we knew it was going to happen
Jonathan Ebsworth:is the Scottish exam system runs about two weeks ahead of English
Jonathan Ebsworth:one, and it went through exactly the same path. Their results
Jonathan Ebsworth:came out, I think, the third or fourth of August. And I think
Jonathan Ebsworth:the belief in government circles was Oh, there'll be a few
Jonathan Ebsworth:outliers, we can handle those through appeal. But what it
Jonathan Ebsworth:turned out to be there was there was a very, very large number of
Jonathan Ebsworth:young people who simply didn't get the grades that they
Jonathan Ebsworth:expected. And it would appear reasonably expected that we're
Jonathan Ebsworth:going to get which meant people who thought they were going to
Jonathan Ebsworth:medical school or vet school, or to some of the high entry
Jonathan Ebsworth:courses, was simply losing out on those opportunities. And
Jonathan Ebsworth:after a day or two in Scotland, it became clear that this was
Jonathan Ebsworth:not a sustainable position. So in fact, I think that's
Jonathan Ebsworth:something like 9th or 10th of August, Scotland said we're
Jonathan Ebsworth:going to revert to the teacher assessed grades. England said
Jonathan Ebsworth:no, we're To go ahead with our algorithm, because we've worked
Jonathan Ebsworth:this out, it's all been done very carefully. It's all fair.
Jonathan Ebsworth:And we had an exact repeat of the issue. So it was very
Jonathan Ebsworth:predictable. Then within a week, they had to revert to the centre
Jonathan Ebsworth:assessed grades, which of course meant they had 50%, or A* and
Jonathan Ebsworth:As, than had been achieved in a previous year. So we ended up in
Jonathan Ebsworth:the in the very place, we hope we weren't going to.
John Wyatt:So So what do we learn from this, apart from the
John Wyatt:fact that if you really want to muck things up, use a computer?
Jonathan Ebsworth:And I think, actually, I think that's a very,
Jonathan Ebsworth:a very good message. What it made me realise was that one of
Jonathan Ebsworth:the things we in technology and perhaps in education as well
Jonathan Ebsworth:aren't very good at doing is seeing the unforeseen
Jonathan Ebsworth:consequences. We're quite good at looking at the macro picture,
Jonathan Ebsworth:but not looking at the individual consequences on on a
Jonathan Ebsworth:human being. So these exam results are fundamental to those
Jonathan Ebsworth:young people's future lives. And in the interest of trying to
Jonathan Ebsworth:protect the value of those at a level qualifications. what we
Jonathan Ebsworth:ended up doing a national level was sacrificing individual hopes
Jonathan Ebsworth:and aspirations in the interest of maintaining currency, the
Jonathan Ebsworth:value of that currency. So I think the first thing is that
Jonathan Ebsworth:we're just not good at seeing the consequences. We don't think
Jonathan Ebsworth:about we get very blinkered
John Wyatt:Unexpected, unanticipated consequences seems
John Wyatt:to be a fundamental feature of, of this modern digital
John Wyatt:technology. I think that story is repeated so many times. And
John Wyatt:we could think of many examples of it, and I'm sure it's
John Wyatt:something we'll come back to in the future. But I think it and
John Wyatt:by the very fact that these outcomes and are unanticipated,
John Wyatt:you know, I think it's, it's easy to blame the technologists.
John Wyatt:Surprisingly, not surprisingly, they don't have 2020 sight, they
John Wyatt:can't see what unexpected impact might might be. I mean, how
John Wyatt:might one as a technologist, mitigate the situation? How How,
John Wyatt:how might you take it into account?
Jonathan Ebsworth:So that's the right answer. But if I look at
Jonathan Ebsworth:medicine, as an analogue for this, we have to go through
Jonathan Ebsworth:extensive testing for any new treatment, firstly, to check
Jonathan Ebsworth:that it's seems to be effective, and secondly, that it doesn't do
Jonathan Ebsworth:any harm, or doesn't do unexpected harm. And that if
Jonathan Ebsworth:there are any bad side effects, that there are proportionate,
Jonathan Ebsworth:appropriate, consistent with the problem we're trying to fix in
Jonathan Ebsworth:the first place. And those protocols are very, very well
Jonathan Ebsworth:prescribed at a globe. Well, there's an international levels
Jonathan Ebsworth:of the FDA in the states nimit, HRA and you know, all the stuff
Jonathan Ebsworth:better than I do. And I can't help wondering whether there
Jonathan Ebsworth:aren't lessons to learn from the way that we take drug treatments
Jonathan Ebsworth:out to market to applying algorithms to at least large
Jonathan Ebsworth:scale sensitive decisions.
John Wyatt:Yeah, that's, that's very interesting. And I think
John Wyatt:there's a lot in what you say, because basically, I have
John Wyatt:terrible disasters in the past with drugs. You mean a whole
John Wyatt:number of terrible disasters where new drugs turned out to
John Wyatt:have unexpected side effects of the thalidomide crisis is, is
John Wyatt:one which many people are aware of where a drug given to
John Wyatt:pregnant women as just as a tranquilliser turned out to have
John Wyatt:catastrophic effects on the developing foetus. Because of
John Wyatt:that, these kinds of scandals over the years of a very
John Wyatt:rigorous technique has developed of testing new drugs for safety
John Wyatt:and efficacy, very rigorous standards before they can be
John Wyatt:released at all. And then even once they are released, they're
John Wyatt:and they're regarded as an investigational product, they
John Wyatt:have to be special monitoring, for side effects and so on. And
John Wyatt:and when you compare that with the way that computer programmes
John Wyatt:are rolled out, in very sensitive areas of life, like
John Wyatt:like education, or the justice system or whatever, none of that
John Wyatt:kind of certification process exists, does it or is available?
Jonathan Ebsworth:I know from experience that that actually,
Jonathan Ebsworth:testing of computer systems is not always as reliable, it
Jonathan Ebsworth:should be that so we can't always be certain it's going to
Jonathan Ebsworth:do exactly what we thought it was going to do. But when it
Jonathan Ebsworth:comes to the unexpected consequences, we almost never
Jonathan Ebsworth:look for that in the world of technology. And one of the
Jonathan Ebsworth:things that I found attractive about the drug thing was not
Jonathan Ebsworth:just the discipline protocols of getting it to market. But also
Jonathan Ebsworth:that the adverse event handling. Once it's got to market that if
Jonathan Ebsworth:there are problems that there is a protocol in place that says,
Jonathan Ebsworth:this is how you report it, this is how it's investigated. And if
Jonathan Ebsworth:there's a problem, this is what we do about it. Which for IT
Jonathan Ebsworth:systems, there's nothing like that.
John Wyatt:That's absolutely right. And as a doctor, I've
John Wyatt:frequently used that method where I've been giving a
John Wyatt:medication to particular patient, and there's been an
John Wyatt:obvious drug reaction. And then, you know, there are special
John Wyatt:forms to fill out and notification. And there's a very
John Wyatt:sophisticated system of continuous monitoring, and
John Wyatt:informing doctors of what the latest information is on drugs.
John Wyatt:So. So I and it has been discussed as not having to
John Wyatt:having some kind of regulatory authority and also having some
John Wyatt:kind of certification, that before a programme is released,
John Wyatt:it has to be tested and to meet a certain quality standards.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yes, and there are some questions,
Jonathan Ebsworth:whenever I've raised this sort of suggestion, the instant
Jonathan Ebsworth:response I've had from most people is that nothing would
Jonathan Ebsworth:ever get to market nothing. We went to ever innovate, because
Jonathan Ebsworth:that process for drugs, takes a ridiculously long time and cost
Jonathan Ebsworth:too much money. But we've seen how when the pressures on you
Jonathan Ebsworth:can move fast with COVID vaccines, and the speed at which
Jonathan Ebsworth:it is possible to do something very sensitive, and still get it
Jonathan Ebsworth:out at scale. So I'm not sure that the it's too slow, is for
Jonathan Ebsworth:something that is sensitive, is necessarily a valid. rebuttal.
John Wyatt:Yes. And maybe just as in medicine, it's it's the
John Wyatt:awful disasters, which then lead to, you know, to positive
John Wyatt:outcomes eventually, and I wouldn't be at all surprised in
John Wyatt:the education world is that is that if a new algorithm is
John Wyatt:designed in the future for changing and modifying
John Wyatt:examination grades and so on, that that's something like that
John Wyatt:process would, would now go through them people have learned
John Wyatt:learned the lesson.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yeah. And I think one of the other
Jonathan Ebsworth:challenges we've got to face is that not every algorithm is
Jonathan Ebsworth:going to be as sensitive as this one. If we're talking about an
Jonathan Ebsworth:algorithm that governs Candy Crush, as a game on a mobile
Jonathan Ebsworth:phone, that's really unimportant, and doesn't really
Jonathan Ebsworth:matter too much whether the algorithm is working exactly as
Jonathan Ebsworth:intended or not. So maybe we don't have to apply this to
Jonathan Ebsworth:every single algorithm, but determine those ones that are
Jonathan Ebsworth:sensitive that affect people's lives. And so for those ones, at
Jonathan Ebsworth:least, we need to go through some better, more rigorous
Jonathan Ebsworth:process of certification and testing.
John Wyatt:Yes. And I think another issue that I've been
John Wyatt:aware of is, is that, certainly in the criminal justice system,
John Wyatt:many of the algorithms that are used are commercially sensitive
John Wyatt:and therefore protected by confidentiality agreements. And
John Wyatt:so that's often been a problem, hasn't it that it isn't possible
John Wyatt:even for other technologists to get access to the actual source
John Wyatt:code or to understand what what an algorithm is doing? No, it's
John Wyatt:very hard. And I'm not a lawyer. But I've been told that
John Wyatt:protecting algorithms under a standard IP law is is actually
John Wyatt:very difficult to do. So you have to simply shroud them in
John Wyatt:confidentiality,
Jonathan Ebsworth:which does make testing very, very
Jonathan Ebsworth:difficult. But just because something's hard, I don't think
Jonathan Ebsworth:gives us an excuse to ignore the problems. And I think this is
Jonathan Ebsworth:now so pervasive, we need to do something, at least around
Jonathan Ebsworth:sensitive algorithms.
John Wyatt:Yes, and certainly in the UK, and in Europe, I
John Wyatt:think the obvious approach is, is to have a government or a
John Wyatt:quango or a regulatory authority, an official
John Wyatt:regulatory authority, which is given legal power to compel
John Wyatt:manufacturers and technologists to to go through a regulatory
John Wyatt:process before these algorithms in certain sensitive areas are
John Wyatt:released into the wild.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yes. And one other aspect of algorithms in
Jonathan Ebsworth:general, which I did come up in the context of the a level
Jonathan Ebsworth:process was about bias or fairness. Whether that's to deal
Jonathan Ebsworth:with discrimination with social groups or racial groups, or,
Jonathan Ebsworth:frankly, any group that one of the problems in the a level
Jonathan Ebsworth:algorithm issue was that they had differential weighting based
Jonathan Ebsworth:on the cohort size from an individual school, so a school
Jonathan Ebsworth:that only perhaps put five entries in Centre-assessed
Jonathan Ebsworth:grades got a heavier weighting than if it was a very large
Jonathan Ebsworth:institution that had perhaps 20, 30, 40, 50 candidates going
Jonathan Ebsworth:forward for an exam where it was moderated much more heavily. And
Jonathan Ebsworth:the view reported was that that meant that smaller schools,
Jonathan Ebsworth:perhaps private schools, actually were given an advantage
Jonathan Ebsworth:in comparison to perhaps larger bodies, which are typically the
Jonathan Ebsworth:state funded schools. This idea of bias and algorithms is a very
Jonathan Ebsworth:important one. I think it's very socially sensitive at the
Jonathan Ebsworth:moment.
Jonathan Ebsworth:So, John, from your point of view, are there any particular
Jonathan Ebsworth:lessons that we can learn from the examination fiasco? From a
Jonathan Ebsworth:Christian point of view that that perhaps we can take forward
Jonathan Ebsworth:into other discussions and thoughts?
John Wyatt:Well, I think an immediate thought which occurs
John Wyatt:to me is that I think, as you mentioned a bit earlier, that
John Wyatt:risk when we, when we receive news, which we find very
John Wyatt:difficult, if it's another human being who's made a judgement, we
John Wyatt:can when we find it easier to accept, even if we don't agree
John Wyatt:with it, you know, if our teacher says, Well, I'm really
John Wyatt:sorry, but you know, my conclusion is X,Y,Z. Whereas if
John Wyatt:it's a machine that's doing this, there's something about
John Wyatt:our humanity, which it seems to oppose, you know, and I think
John Wyatt:from a Christian point of view, this fits with this idea that we
John Wyatt:are ultimately created for relationships with other human
John Wyatt:beings, and relations with God Himself. In other words, for
John Wyatt:relationships between persons, and when we have an impersonal
John Wyatt:machine, saying the machine has decided, you know, and it's
John Wyatt:saying something of immense significance to me, it somehow
John Wyatt:goes against my humanity, the way that I made, I made to be
John Wyatt:able to engage with human beings, I actually, it's
John Wyatt:something rather weird about getting a final decision from a
John Wyatt:machine.
Jonathan Ebsworth:Yes, I think that's very, very true. It's
Jonathan Ebsworth:hard. It's very hard to deal with emotionally and actually
Jonathan Ebsworth:hard to challenge. The machine becomes unanswerable, doesn't
Jonathan Ebsworth:it?
John Wyatt:Yes. And I can't follow the reasoning so. So when
John Wyatt:it's when it's a human being, even if I find it very, very
John Wyatt:painful, I can at least ask the teacher or the judge or whoever
John Wyatt:it is the doctor Why, why did you make that decision? What
John Wyatt:what? What was the basis on which it is made? And I can, I
John Wyatt:can at least attempt to follow it with myself and understand it
John Wyatt:and see the world through this other person's eyes. When the
John Wyatt:machine is just saying, well, the algorithm said 4.76 4.76 is
John Wyatt:below the grade, end of story. There's no way I can follow that
John Wyatt:through I can understand it, I can I can come to terms with it
John Wyatt:emotionally. So often, we're struggling to find how on earth
John Wyatt:do we respond as Christians, but I think the first thing is we
John Wyatt:really need to understand the world we live in. And we can't
John Wyatt:short circuit the process of trying to develop a Christian
John Wyatt:response. The first thing is to understand and then the second
John Wyatt:thing is to say, well, then how do we respond from the point of
John Wyatt:view of the Christian faith?
Jonathan Ebsworth:John, thanks so much. Look forward to our
Jonathan Ebsworth:next conversation.
John Wyatt:Thanks a lot. I'm looking forward to.
Jonathan Ebsworth:That's all for our first episode. Thanks so
Jonathan Ebsworth:much for joining us. In our next conversation, we'll look at some
Jonathan Ebsworth:of the technology opportunities and issues that have been thrown
Jonathan Ebsworth:up by the series of lockdowns that have been running here in
Jonathan Ebsworth:the UK, and around much of the world sporadically over the last
Jonathan Ebsworth:12 months or so. We will return to the world of algorithms in
Jonathan Ebsworth:future episodes, looking at their use in criminal justice in
Jonathan Ebsworth:business areas like recruitment, credit control, insurance,
Jonathan Ebsworth:touching almost every aspect of our daily lives. We know there
Jonathan Ebsworth:is some big social issues that will come up, perhaps none more
Jonathan Ebsworth:sensitive than algorithmic bias and algorithmic unreliability.
Jonathan Ebsworth:In all these episodes, we're trying to understand how we as
Jonathan Ebsworth:followers of Jesus can live well in a society that's dominated by
Jonathan Ebsworth:technology. Thank you for joining us. For those of you who
Jonathan Ebsworth:are interested in finding out more about these issues, please
Jonathan Ebsworth:do go to You'll find an article on the
Jonathan Ebsworth:public examination fiasco, which explains some of the issues and
Jonathan Ebsworth:a little more detail. You will also find other articles both
Jonathan Ebsworth:short and long, as well as an interesting range of book
Jonathan Ebsworth:reviews. If you have any subjects you'd like us to look
Jonathan Ebsworth:at, please let me know at Jonathan has tech